最近学习zemax api,
上述链内容是一段zemax api analysis 分析代码,代码是C#写的,此为前提;
// Add your custom code here... IOpticalSystemPtr TheSystem = TheApplication->PrimarySystem; /*cout << "my code begin running..." << endl;*/ ILensDataEditorPtr TheLDE = TheSystem->LDE; ILDERowPtr surf6 = TheLDE->GetSurfaceAt(6); double *MTFs30 = new double[201]; double *MTFs40 = new double[201]; double *MTFs50 = new double[201]; double *surf6Thi = new double[201]; IMeritFunctionEditorPtr TheMFE = TheSystem->MFE; IMFERowPtr Operand1 = TheMFE->AddOperand(); Operand1->ChangeType(MeritOperandType_MTFS); IEditorCellPtr Op1Samp = Operand1->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param2); Op1Samp->IntegerValue = 2; IEditorCellPtr Op1Freq = Operand1->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param4); Op1Freq->DoubleValue = 30; IMFERowPtr Operand2 = TheMFE->AddOperand(); Operand2->ChangeType(MeritOperandType_MTFS); IEditorCellPtr Op2Samp = Operand2->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param2); Op1Samp->IntegerValue = 2; IEditorCellPtr Op2Freq = Operand2->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param4); Op2Freq->DoubleValue = 40; IMFERowPtr Operand3 = TheMFE->AddOperand(); Operand3->ChangeType(MeritOperandType_MTFS); IEditorCellPtr Op3Samp = Operand3->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param2); Op3Samp->IntegerValue = 2; IEditorCellPtr Op3Freq = Operand3->GetOperandCell(MeritColumn_Param4); Op3Freq->DoubleValue = 50; double step = 0.01; surf6->Thickness = surf6->Thickness - 100 * step; for (int i = 0; i < 201; i++) { surf6->Thickness = surf6->Thickness + step; surf6Thi = surf6->Thickness; //quick focus IQuickFocusPtr quickFocus = TheSystem->Tools->OpenQuickFocus(); QuickFocusCriterion QuickFocusCriterion_SpotSizeRadial; quickFocus->UseCentroid = true; ISystemToolPtr baseTool = quickFocus; baseTool->RunAndWaitForCompletion(); baseTool->Close(); TheMFE->CalculateMeritFunction(); MTFs30=Operand1->Value; MTFs40 = Operand2->Value; MTFs50 = Operand3->Value; } //plot the result IUser2DLineDataPtr LinePlot; //cout << "my code running to the plot file...." << endl; LinePlot->AddSeries("MTF 30 cycles/mm", ZemaxColor_Color1, 201, MTFs30); LinePlot->AddSeries("MTF 40 cycles/mm", ZemaxColor_Color2, 201, MTFs40); LinePlot->AddSeries("MTF 50 cycles/mm", ZemaxColor_Color3, 201, MTFs50); LinePlot->XLabel = "surface 6 thickness [mm]"; LinePlot->YLabel = "MTF"; delete[] MTFs30; delete[] MTFs40; delete[] MTFs50; delete[] surf6Thi; 编译报错图片: