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[书籍类资料] Fiber-Optic Communication Systems, 4th Edition Author: Govind P. Agrawal

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    发表于 2021-11-18 21:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    This book provides a comprehensive account of fiber-optic communication systems. The 3rd edition of this book is used worldwide as a textbook in many universities. This 4th edition incorporates recent advances that have occurred, in particular two new chapters. One deals with the advanced modulation formats (such as DPSK, QPSK, and QAM) that are increasingly being used for improving spectral efficiency of WDM lightwave systems. The second chapter focuses on new techniques such as all-optical regeneration that are under development and likely to be used in future communication systems. All other chapters are updated, as well.

    1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Historical Perspective 1

    1.2 Basic Concepts 8

    1.3 Optical Communication Systems 16

    1.4 Lightwave System Components 17

    Problems 20

    References 21

    2 Optical Fibers 24

    2.1 Geometrical-Optics Description 24

    2.2 Wave Propagation 29

    2.3 Dispersion in Single-Mode Fibers 38

    2.4 Dispersion-Induced Limitations 46

    2.5 Fiber Losses 55

    2.6 Nonlinear Optical Effects 59

    2.7 Fiber Design and Fabrication 67

    Problems 74

    References 75

    3 Optical Transmitters 79

    3.1 Semiconductor Laser Physics 79

    3.2 Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers 87

    3.3 Laser Characteristics 94

    3.4 Optical Signal Generation 104

    3.5 Light-Emitting Diodes 110

    3.6 Transmitter Design 115

    Problems 121

    References 122

    4 Optical Receivers 128

    4.1 Basic Concepts 128

    4.2 Common Photodetectors 131

    4.3 Receiver Design 144

    4.4 Receiver Noise 148

    4.5 Coherent Detection 158

    4.6 Receiver Sensitivity 161

    4.7 Sensitivity Degradation 167

    4.8 Receiver Performance 173

    Problems 175

    References 177

    5 Lightwave Systems 182

    5.1 System Architectures 182

    5.2 Design Guidelines 187

    5.3 Long-Haul Systems 194

    5.4 Sources of Power Penalty 200

    5.5 Forward Error Correction 212

    5.6 Computer-Aided Design 214

    Problems 216

    References 218

    6 Multichannel Systems 223

    6.1 WDM Lightwave Systems 223

    6.2 WDM Components 232

    6.3 System Performance Issues 251

    6.4 Time-Division Multiplexing 264

    6.5 Subcarrier Multiplexing 269

    6.6 Code-Division Multiplexing 277

    Problems 283

    References 285

    7 Loss Management 295

    7.1 Compensation of Fiber Losses 295

    7.2 Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers 300

    7.3 Raman Amplifiers 310

    7.4 Optical Signal-To-Noise Ratio 318

    7.5 Electrical Signal-To-Noise Ratio 321

    7.6 Receiver Sensitivity and Q Factor 325

    7.7 Role of Dispersive and Nonlinear Effects 328

    7.8 Periodically Amplified Lightwave Systems 334

    Problems 339

    References 340

    8 Dispersion Management 345

    8.1 Dispersion Problem and Its Solution 345

    8.2 Dispersion-Compensating Fibers 347

    8.3 Fiber Bragg Gratings 354

    8.4 Dispersion-Equalizing Filters 363

    8.5 Optical Phase Conjugation 369

    8.6 Channels at High Bit Rates 375

    8.7 Electronic Dispersion Compensation 385

    Problems 397

    References 399

    9 Control of Nonlinear Effects 407

    9.1 Impact of Fiber Nonlinearity 407

    9.2 Solitons in Optical Fibers 416

    9.3 Dispersion-Managed Solitons 423

    9.4 Pseudo-linear Lightwave Systems 434

    9.5 Control of Intrachannel Nonlinear Effects 444

    Problems 451

    References 453

    10 Advanced Lightwave Systems 459

    10.1 Advanced Modulation Formats 460

    10.2 Demodulation Schemes 464

    10.3 Shot Noise and Bit-Error Rate 470

    10.4 Sensitivity Degradation Mechanisms 476

    10.5 Impact of Nonlinear Effects 485

    10.6 Recent Progress 494

    10.7 Ultimate Channel Capacity 501

    Problems 503

    References 504

    11 Optical Signal Processing 511

    11.1 Nonlinear Techniques and Devices 511

    11.2 All-Optical Flip-Flops 529

    11.3 Wavelength Converters 533

    11.4 Ultrafast Optical Switching 544

    11.5 Optical Regenerators 553

    Problems 568

    References 569

    A System of Units 578

    B Acronyms 580

    C General Formula for Pulse Broadening 584

    D Software Package 587

    Index 589




    书籍地址: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Fiber+Optic+Communication+Systems%2C+4th+Edition-p-9780470505113


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