本帖最后由 迷途羔羊 于 2020-4-29 11:15 编辑
CRA is the term used primarily for the image sensors that have a microlens array on them (to eliminate the gaps between the physical pixels). Typically, the pitch of the lenslets is changing, so that the lenslets near the edges of the sensor are shifted closer to the center of the sensor (the pitch decreases).Field of view is the term describing the system containing the imaging lens and the sensor. On a very basic level, it is the whole angle (in the object space) spanned by the imaging array.If there were no lenslet array, then the edge pixels would define the FOV (just draw the two extreme chief rays - the rays passing through the center of the pupils and hitting centers of the edge pixels - and find the angle between them). With the lenslet array, the situation is changed (but only very slightly)If the imaging lens were designed exactly for the sensor specifications, then the FOV would be directly connnected to CRA (FOV = 2*CRA). In real life it is not really possible, and the relation is approx
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