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zArrayTrace zArrayTrace - Performs tracing of large numbers of rays in ZEMAX. RayDataOut = zArrayTrace(RayDataIn); or RayDataOut = zArrayTrace(RayDataIn, Timeout); Timeout is the amount of time in milliseconds to give ZEMAX to finish raytracing before the command times out. RayDataIn and RayDataOut are structures with the following fields : x, y, z, l, m, n, Exr, Exi, Eyr, Eyi, Ezr, Ezi, wave, error, vigcode, want_opd. Only non-zero fields of RayDataIn need be set. RayDataOut will be returned with all fields. If the command times out, an error message is generated. There are 5 modes of raytracing documented in the "Tracing Large numbers of rays" section of the chapter on "ZEMAX Extensions" in the ZEMAX manual. Usage of zArrayTrace is exactly as documented there with the following exception. Matlab uses arrays starting at index 1 whereas C starts at index 0. Any references to RayData[0] in C will therefore apply to RayDataIn(1) in Matlab. The first element of the RayDataIn structure determines which mode of raytracing is selected. The modes can be summarised as follows. Mode 0 : Trace ray from fractional field coordinates hx, hy to fractional pupil coordinates px, py. The fields of the first element are set as follows : RayDataIn(1).opd = 0; % Sets mode 0 - actually no need to set any fields that are zero. RayDataIn(1).wave = raytracingmode; % Set to 0 for real rays, set to 1 for paraxial rays. RayDataIn(1).error = numberofrays; % This MUST be set to the number of rays to be traced. RayDataIn(1).want_opd = finalsurface; % Last surface to which rays must be traced. Use -1 for image. Then for ray number i, fill in the following data : RayDataIn(i+1).x = hx; % Fractional field coordinates RayDataIn(i+1).y = hy; RayDataIn(i+1).z = px; % Fractional pupil coordinates RayDataIn(i+1).l = py; RayDataIn(i+1).intensity = 1.0; % Initial intensity of the ray RayDataIn(i+1).wave = wavenumer; % The wavelength number to use for raytracing RayDataIn(i+1).want_opd = opdrequest; % Set to 0 for no OPD calculations, set to 1 for OPD calculations. Consult the ZEMAX manual for further details. Mode 1 : Trace a ray from a given point in a given direction. The fields of the first element are set as follows : RayDataIn(1).opd = 1; % Sets mode 1. RayDataIn(1).wave = raytracingmode; % Set to 0 for real rays, set to 1 for paraxial rays. RayDataIn(1).error = numberofrays; % This MUST be set to the number of rays to be traced. RayDataIn(1).vigcode = startsurface % First surface, and surface on which the given coordinates start. RayDataIn(1).want_opd = finalsurface; % Last surface to which rays must be traced. Use -1 for image. Then for ray number i, fill in the following data : RayDataIn(i+1).x = x; % Local coordinates from which the ray is launched at given surface. RayDataIn(i+1).y = y; RayDataIn(i+1).z = z. RayDataIn(i+1).l = l; % Direction cosines of the ray launch. RayDataIn(i+1).m = m; RayDataIn(i+1).n = n; RayDataIn(i+1).intensity = 1.0; % Initial intensity of the ray RayDataIn(i+1).wave = wavenumer; % The wavelength number to use for raytracing RayDataIn(i+1).want_opd = opdrequest; % Set to 0 for no OPD calculations, set to 1 for OPD calculations. Consult the ZEMAX manual for further details. Mode 2 : Trace a ray from fractional field coordinates hx, hy to fractional pupil coordinates px, py, and compute state of polarisation. The fields of the first element are set as follows : RayDataIn(1).x = Ex; % Electric field amplitude in x RayDataIn(1).y = Ey; % Electric field amplitude in y RayDataIn(1).z = Phax; % Phase in degrees for Ex RayDataIn(1).l = Phay; % Phase in degrees for Ey RayDataIn(1).opd = 2; % sets mode 2 RayDataIn(1).wave = raytracingmode; % 0 for real rays, 1 for paraxial rays RayDataIn(1).error = numrays; % This MUST be set to the number of rays to be traced. RayDataIn(1).want_opd = lastsurf; % -1 for image, or any valid surface number Then for ray number i, fill in the following data : RayDataIn(i+1).x = hx; % Fractional Field coordinates RayDataIn(i+1).y = hy; RayDataIn(i+1).z = px; % Fractional Pupil coordinates RayDataIn(i+1).l = py; RayDataIn(i+1).intensity = 1.0; % Initial intensity RayDataIn(i+1).Exr = Exr % Electric field X real RayDataIn(i+1).Exi = Exi % Electric field X imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).Eyr = Eyr % Electric field Y real RayDataIn(i+1).Eyi = Eyi % Electric field Y imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).Ezr = Ezr % Electric field Z real RayDataIn(i+1).Ezi = Ezi % Electric field Z imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).wave = wavenumber; See the ZEMAX Manual for further details. Mode 3 : Trace a ray from a given point in a given direction and compute state of polarisation. The fields of the first element are set as follows : RayDataIn(1).x = Ex; % Electric field amplitude in x RayDataIn(1).y = Ey; % Electric field amplitude in y RayDataIn(1).z = Phax; % Phase in degrees for Ex RayDataIn(1).l = Phay; % Phase in degrees for Ey RayDataIn(1).opd = 3; % sets mode 3 RayDataIn(1).wave = mode; % 0 for real rays, 1 for paraxial rays RayDataIn(1).error = numrays; % This MUST be set to the number of rays to be traced. RayDataIn(1).vigcode = startsurf; % the surface on which the coordinates start RayDataIn(1).want_opd = lastsurf; % -1 for image, or any valid surface number Then for ray number i, fill in the following data : RayDataIn(i+1).x = x; % Ray starting point coordinates RayDataIn(i+1).y = y; RayDataIn(i+1).z = z; RayDataIn(i+1).l = l; % Ray starting direction RayDataIn(i+1).m = m; RayDataIn(i+1).n = n; RayDataIn(i+1).intensity = 1.0; % initial intensity RayDataIn(i+1).Exr = Exr % Electric field X real RayDataIn(i+1).Exi = Exi % Electric field X imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).Eyr = Eyr % Electric field Y real RayDataIn(i+1).Eyi = Eyi % Electric field Y imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).Ezr = Ezr % Electric field Z real RayDataIn(i+1).Ezi = Ezi % Electric field Z imaginary RayDataIn(i+1).wave = wavenumber; See the ZEMAX Manual for further details. Currently there is no mode 4. Mode 5 : Tracing of a single ray in a non-sequential group of objects. The fields of the first element are set as follows : RayDataIn(1).x = x; % Starting x coordinate RayDataIn(1).y = y; % Starting y coordinate RayDataIn(1).z = z; % Starting z coordinate RayDataIn(1).l = l; % Starting x direction cosine RayDataIn(1).m = m; % Starting y direction cosine RayDataIn(1).n = n; % Starting z direction cosine RayDataIn(1).opd = 5+nMaxSegments; % sets mode 5, see ZEMAX Manual for further details. RayDataIn(1).intensity = 1.0; % initial intensity RayDataIn(1).Exr = Exr; % initial E field if doing pol ray tracing, otherwise 0.0 RayDataIn(1).Exi = Exi; RayDataIn(1).Eyr = Eyr; RayDataIn(1).Eyi = Eyi; RayDataIn(1).Ezr = Ezr; RayDataIn(1).Ezi = Ezi; RayDataIn(1).wave = wavenumber; % wavelength number, use 0 for randomly selected by weight RayDataIn(1).error = NSCGroup; % NSC group surface, 1 if the program mode is NSC RayDataIn(1).vigcode = PolSplitScatter; % controls polarization, split, and scatter RayDataIn(1).want_opd = Object; % The inside of flag, use 0 if ray is not inside anything The integer vigcode value determines if polarization ray tracing, splitting, and scattering are to be used. To determine the vigcode value, use 0 for no polarization, 1 for polarization, plus 2 if splitting is used, plus 4 if scattering is used. The resulting integer will be between 0 and 7 inclusive. Note if ray splitting is to be used, polarization must be used as well. Note : For all modes, be sure to fill in the "error" field correctly (number of rays) for the first element. Although zArrayTrace provides some protection, failure to do so can cause Matlab to report a Segmentation Violation or to crash. See also zGetTrace, zGetTraceDirect, zGetPolTrace, zGetPolTraceDirect