第一個問題是: optical axis 的座標是全局座標,還是以此面座標?
My try: 首先,为了明晰概念,光轴 和 晶轴 概念是不同的,猜想贴主的指的是 “晶轴”,根据 Manual of Zemax13, the cited definition as below:
"optical axis" is the Z axis, with the initial direction of propagation from the object being the positive Z direction...... The coordinate system is right handed, with the sagittal X axis being oriented "into" the monitor on a standard layout diagram.
The tangential Y axis is vertical. 所以XYZ构成右手系统 right-handed system
This pair of surfaces models uniaxial crystals(单轴晶体), such as calcite (方解石).
These types of crystals are described by a “crystal axis”(晶轴); which defines the axis of symmetry for the material, and two dispersion curves; one defining the “ordinary” index(O-光) and the other the “extraordinary” index(E-光).
Such materials refract rays differently depending upon the polarization state of the ray and the angle the ray makes with respect to the crystal axis.
光线折射光路不同,取决于两个条件:1)POS 电场偏振状态;2)光线与晶轴所成角度,其实就是Snell定律
不知道你为何连续设置两个断点面型在4和5,我的理解断点面型是"dummy",数学上相当于矩阵或者张量计算的下标,也称之为傀儡指标,不具有真实物理意义;所以后面必须设置真实的物理面型也就是Biref.in,相应的crystal axis应该其上进行设置。
另外关于断点面型,看似复杂抽象,其实也遵循物理实在和数学定义,我们在学习中只要记住一个规则:“只要坐标在某个位置发生转折,那么下面的原件位置一定要按照转折后的 局部坐标系,按照右手定则放置”
最后,我想说你的LDE数据似乎不全,如果想要仿真O-光,E-光,双折射,通常要运用M.C。多组态设置,结合相应的operands; 很多人应用多组态与变焦物镜设计,推而广之,还可以应用到:光栅,激光扫描,双折射。一句话,软件只是个工具,背后的数学物理知识决定了我们如何应用水平的高低