TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2025-3-27 09:02 |
签到天数: 1098 天 [LV.10]以坛为家III
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- 33
分享一篇关于自由曲面AR设计的文章,FOV蛮大的,其摘要如下所示:We present a concept of a wide-angle, lightweight, optical see-through head-mounted display (HMD) using free-formoptics tiling. Free-form optics tiling can potentially address several critical problems in existing tiled HMD designs
that use rotationally symmetric optics. The optical design of our tiled optical see-through HMD achieves a field of view
(FOV) of 56° × 45° and an angular resolution of 3:2 arcmin with two display channels. We demonstrate a proof-of
concept prototype and present some of its manufacturing details. The FOV can be further enlarged by tiling more
display channels together at their bottom and side surfaces.
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